Constitution Updates
Our Board of Deacons proposes the following updates to our Constitution & Bylaws in regards to the eligibility requirements for leadership and the timing parameters for our Annual Business Meeting. Both changes were suggested after much discussion, prayerful consideration and research into best practices from other AG churches in the area. The excerpt from Trinity Chapel's Constitution & Bylaws is shown below along with the proposed edits (2).
Please review these suggested changes in preparation for a Future Membership Vote. Voting information will NOT be provided until after October 19, in keeping with the requirements of voting procedure regarding changes to our Constitution & Bylaws. Votes submitted via email will NOT be accepted. This contact is for your information only. The opportunity to cast your vote and ask questions will be provided after October 19.
Proposed Change #1:
Language to Remove- RED
Language to Add- BLUE
Excerpt from Trinity Chapel's Constitution (Article VII, Section 3)
(a) Eligibility. The Deacons shall be persons of mature Christian experience and knowledge, who shall meet the requirements as set forth in the Holy Scriptures (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; Acts 6). Qualifications include:
1. Baptized in the Holy Spirit or earnestly desiring this experience (with current evidence of speaking in tongues [Acts 2:4] and full of wisdom)
2. Responsible in business matters, including being a faithful tither
3. Honest, sincere and temperate
4. Sound in doctrine
5. Evident spiritual maturity
6. Marriage and family in good order (Since the New Testament restricts divorced and remarried believers from the church offices of bishop, or elder, and deacon, we recommend that this standard be upheld by all our assemblies (Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 3:12), except when the divorce occurred prior to conversion (2 Corinthians 5:17) or for the scriptural causes of a former spouse’s marital unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:9), or the abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:10-15). [Note—The foregoing causes of unfaithfulness or abandonment are also understood to be applicable after conversion.])
They shall be at least 21 years of age and shall have been members of the Assembly (or another Assemblies of God church) for at least six months immediately prior to the annual business meeting. Female members of this Board shall be referred to as “Deaconess” (Romans 16:1).
(b) Composition and Nomination. The Board of Deacons shall consist of a minimum of 5 members with no maximum number. At all times, a majority of the members of the Board of Deacons must have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking with tongues.
(c) Nomination. They The Board of Deacons shall be nominated by an ad hoc committee, consisting of at least four members, two of which shall be Deacons, appointed by the Board of Deacons. The Pastor shall be the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Nominations may be submitted by the congregation to the nominating committee up to two weeks before the Annual Business Meeting.
Proposed Change #2
Language to Remove- RED
Language to Add- BLUE
Excerpt from Trinity Chapel's Constitution (Article VIII, Section 2)
Section 2. There shall be an annual business meeting of the Assembly, at which time the election of non-appointed officers shall take place and the report of all officers shall be presented. Our fiscal year ends on September 30, so this meeting shall be held on or before the last day of January February. The time and place shall be announced by the Pastor. Due notice shall be given on the two Sundays immediately prior to the date of said meeting.